House Concurrent Resolutions (2018)
House Concurrent Resolution No. 33
A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature
and Rejecting a Certain Rule of the Department of Fish and Game Relating to
Rules Governing the Taking of Big Game Animals in the State of Idaho. -
House Concurrent Resolution No. 46
A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature
and Rejecting a Certain Rule of the Board of Dentistry Relating to
Rules of the Idaho State Board of Dentistry. House Concurrent Resolution No. 47
A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature and Rejecting
a Certain Rule of Health and Welfare Relating to Rules Governing
the Temporary Assistance for Families in Idaho (TAFI) Program.House Concurrent Resolution No. 55
A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature
and Rejecting a Certain Rule of the Department of Juvenile Corrections
Relating to Rules and Standards for Secure Juvenile Detention Centers.House Concurrent Resolution No. 56
A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature
and Rejecting a Certain Rule of the State Public Defense Commission
Relating to Rules Governing Standards for Defending Attorneys that
Utilize Idaho's Principles of an Indigent Defense Delivery System.House Concurrent Resolution No. 57
A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature
and Rejecting a Certain Rule of the Commission of
Pardons and Parole Relating to Rules of
the Commission of Pardons and Parole.House Concurrent Resolution No. 62
A Concurrent Resolution Stating Findings of the Legislature
and Rejecting a Certain Rule of the PERSI
(Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho)
Relating to PERSI Contribution Rules.